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Penetration Testing
in Singapore

Harden your security system with Privasec’s extensive range of penetration tests.

Penetration Testing with Privasec

Our Penetration Testing Methodology is well engineered and built against industry recognised best practices such as OWASP and PTES. 

In Privasec’s capacity as a CREST-Accredited penetration testing firm, we identify vulnerabilities in your web or network systems and applications that are exploitable by an attacker. Taking the consultative approach, we provide detailed remediation steps that contextualised each identified vulnerabilities to harden your security systems.

Penetration Testing

External & Internal Penetration Testing

Find weaknesses within your internet-facing infrastructure and protect your information assets from attacks originating from your internal network.

Web Application and API Penetration Testing

Assesses how well your web application and APIs will fare against attacks through the Internet.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Assessments focusing on vulnerabilities specific to mobile applications such as iOS and Android.

Cloud Penetration Testing

Assess the cyber security of your cloud provider’s environment.

Wireless Penetration Testing

Wireless networks are an attractive target to hackers in your vicinity as they allow them to get a trusted foothold into your network without stepping into the front door.

Bespoke Device/ IoT Penetration Testing

IoT (internet of things) penetration testing reveals any possible security gaps that might lead to a security breach on your IoT device.

Understanding the Process of Penetration Testing

By simulating real-world cyber attacks, penetration testing helps organisations in Singapore and beyond identify vulnerabilities, assess their security posture, and mitigate potential risks.

1. Planning

During the planning phase, objectives are defined, and initial reconnaissance is conducted. Penetration test professionals gather information, potentially using social engineering techniques, to prepare for the attack.

2. Scanning

In the scanning phase, the system is analysed to assess its vulnerability. Professionals use technical tools for vulnerability scans, probing for entry points to gain unauthorised access.

3. Breaching

Breaching involves exploiting vulnerabilities to bypass security measures and gain access to the system. Once inside, the professional can take control of devices or networks and extract data.

4. Burrowing

In the burrowing phase, professionals assess how deeply they can penetrate the system, identifying data they can compromise and installing backdoors to maintain access for as long as possible.

5. Analysing

The final phase involves a detailed review of configurations and reporting of test results. Professionals may also simulate attempts to cover tracks, gathering information on exploitable vulnerabilities for remediation.​

Why Is Penetration Testing Important?​

As organisations increasingly rely on digital systems and networks to conduct business, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks. Penetration testing is a proactive approach used to assess the security posture of these systems by simulating real-world attacks. Here’s a closer look at the benefits:

  1. Identifying Vulnerabilities: Penetration testing helps identify vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications before malicious actors exploit them.
  2. Assessing Security Posture: Penetration testing provides insight into an organisation’s overall security posture. It evaluates the effectiveness of security controls and measures, helping organisations understand their strengths and weaknesses in defending against cyber threats.
  3. Mitigating Risks: By uncovering vulnerabilities and weaknesses, penetration testing enables organisations to prioritise and mitigate security risks. It allows them to allocate resources effectively to address critical vulnerabilities and reduce the likelihood of security breaches.
  4. Compliance Requirements: Many regulatory standards and industry frameworks require organisations to conduct penetration testing as part of their compliance obligations.
  5. Enhancing Incident Response Preparedness: Penetration testing simulates cyberattacks, providing valuable insights into how systems and personnel respond to security incidents. It helps organisations improve their incident response procedures and readiness to detect, contain, and mitigate security breaches.
  6. Building Trust: Penetration testing demonstrates a commitment to cybersecurity and protecting sensitive information. It instils confidence in customers, partners, and stakeholders.


1. How often should organisations conduct penetration testing?

The frequency of penetration testing depends on various factors, including the organisation’s risk tolerance, regulatory requirements, and changes to the IT environment. Generally, organisations should conduct penetration testing regularly, at least annually or whenever significant changes are made to systems, networks, or applications.

Vulnerability scanning involves automated scans of systems and networks to identify known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Penetration testing, on the other hand, simulates real-world cyber attacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems, networks, and applications. While vulnerability scanning provides a broad overview of potential security issues, penetration testing offers a more in-depth assessment of security controls and measures.

To prepare for a penetration test, organisations should:

  • Define clear objectives and scope for the test.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the testing process and potential impacts.
  • Gather necessary documentation, such as network diagrams and system configurations.
  • Inform relevant personnel, including IT and security teams, about the upcoming test.
  • Prepare contingency plans for potential disruptions or issues identified during the test.

Engage with a reputable and experienced penetration testing provider to conduct the test professionally and ethically.

After receiving the penetration test report, organisations should:

  • Review the findings and recommendations carefully.
  • Prioritise and address critical vulnerabilities and 
  • weaknesses identified during the test.
  • Implement remediation measures and security controls to mitigate identified risks.
  • Conduct follow-up testing to validate remediation efforts and ensure the effectiveness of security measures.
  • Continuously monitor and update security measures to address evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

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The Industry’s Leading Red Team

Test your security defences and train your staff with the Privasec Red Team! Our direct and flexible approach will get your Red Team attack activated within 24 hours.

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