Traditionally, the Offenders (Red Team) and Defenders (Blue Team) have been considered two sides of the same security coin. While the Red team emulate an attacker exploiting a vulnerability in an organisation’s systems, the Blue team is responsible for building security controls to defend against the attackers. As both the activities are integral in improving the cyber security posture of a company, an integration between both mindsets is crucial in achieving the desired business objectives. Purple teaming process involves consistent knowledge sharing between both the Red and Blue teams for continuous process improvements:
- Defence informs the offence about their controls, monitoring and how to respond to the security incidents.
- Offence on the other hand, informs defence about TPPs (Techniques, Tactics and Procedures).

Traditional penetration testing is still quite effective in pointing out an organisation’s security flaws, but might not provide as much information in fixing them. Attack stimulation and detection (Purple team) on the other hand guides you with process improvement and training your SMEs to detect an attack.
Some of the key duties/ responsibilities of the Purple Team include:
- Understanding the current threat exposure and detection capabilities.
- Analysing the bigger picture and assuming the mindset of both the Red and Blue team consultants.
- Functioning as a bridge between the Red and Blue team and facilitate information sharing for best outcomes.
- Analysing the results and overseeing necessary remedial actions.
- Developing a repeatable and structured process.
Privasec’s Breach Simulation Service takes security assurance well beyond the penetration test to comprehensively replicate all known attacker Tools, Techniques & Procedures (TTP) in a safe and secure manner within the organisation’s own environment. Leveraging the MITRE ATT&CK framework, Privasec is able to test over 150 different attacker techniques and behaviours in a controlled environment with zero impact to the organisation.
– Sleep better: KNOW (don’t just assume) that you can quickly detect intrusions.
– Fine tune your security solutions and product to make the most of them.
– Very tangibly measure the effectiveness of your Security Operations Centre.
– Identify and leverage under-used features in your security products.
– Save money by identifying ineffective solutions that can be removed.
– Safely conduct effective periodic incident response ‘fire drills’ that go beyond compliance-driven table-top simulations.
– Train and upskill existing security team members.
– Provide confidence: Tell the board how long it takes to detect an intruder.

Keen on discussing how to improve your tools and detect cyber-attacks faster?
Speak to one of our consultants to discuss your particular use cases and how the Privasec Attack Simulation & Detection Testing Service (Purple Team) can be tailored to your specific requirements. Call us at T(AU): 1800 996 001, T(NZ): 222 4725, T(SG): 6631 8375 or email [email protected] to book an appointment