
Broadcast Episode New Release | MAS TRM Directive and Third-Party Risk Management

Our latest broadcast episode is now out! In our third episode (Singapore feature), together with our host Quan Heng “Q”, we meet with Angela Yuen, Privasec’s GRC Consultant, as we explore a very topical discussion.

With the recent ‘supply chain’ cyber attack on SolarWinds last year, it is timely that the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued a third-party risk management directive requiring all financial institutions to properly assess and manage their exposure to technology risks with third-party suppliers. Similar directives are also in place or being put in place around the world, e.g. in Australia, where the regulator APRA enforced their prudential standard CPS 234.

About PrivaBroadcast Series

The Broadcast Series is powered by Privasec, and each episode, you will get to meet our different SMEs. From comments on current cyber security affairs to our observations on industry best practices on risk and challenges faced by enterprises, these interactive episodes allow you to join us on our journey and walkaway with relevant learnings. This session is brought to you by Privasec (www.privasec.com). We are one of the fastest growing governance, risk and compliance cybersecurity consulting firm in South East Asia, with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. To find out more information about managing or assessing your third party risks, reach out to our SMEs at: [email protected].

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