Threat actors around the world have been trying to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic situation by registering coronavirus related domains and selling them at a discounted price on the dark web. The average number of registrations for such domains have increased almost 10 times over the past few weeks.

Image Source: The Hacker News
Common malware distributed include AZORuIt, Emotet, Nanocore RAT and TrickBot with the aim to profit from global health concerns. For all organisations and individuals, here are some basic steps to stay safe from such actors:
- Organisations should ensure that remote work configurations are in place. Regular security health checks are critical in testing the effectiveness of security infrastructure.
- Business should invest more time in employee training.
- Individuals need to be careful before clicking on links sent by unknown senders and enhance security on personal devices.
- Both organisations and individuals need to rely on trusted government websites for important COVID-19 information.